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Public Private Partnerships: Principles for Sustainable Contracts - Vecci, Veronica, et.all

Public Private Partnerships: Principles for Sustainable Contracts


Vecci, Veronica, et.all


Palgrave Macmillan



By merging public and private tangible and intangible capitals, Public Private Partnerships contracts (PPP) are fundamental to generate public value and to support economic and social development; in the aftermath of Covid-19 pandemic, they prove critical to pave the way for the recovery. This book is intended to support the co-evolution of the main public and private players involved in PPP contracts for infrastructure and service delivery, by providing principles, based on the academic and professional experience of the authors, that can be applied across sectors and jurisdictions. Drawing on the framework of public-private collaborations at macro, meso and micro level, this book provides a practical perspective on the most relevant legal, financial and contractual issues of PPP contracts for infrastructure and service delivery.

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Judul Public Private Partnerships: Principles for Sustainable Contracts
Penulis Vecci, Veronica, et.all
Penerbit Palgrave Macmillan
Tahun Terbit 2021
Lokasi Penerbitan
ISBN 9783030654351
Kode Pustaka BPIW-344
Kode Panggil 302.2 VEC p
Kode Klasifikasi 302.2
Bahasa Indonesia
Lokasi Simpan Perpustakaan BPIW
Kolasi 167 hlm, xvii
Judul Seri
Subyek Komunikasi, public private partnership, kerjasama

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