Rincian Katalog

Profile Ministry of Public Works - Ministry of Public Works

Profile Ministry of Public Works


Ministry of Public Works


Pusat Komunikasi Publik Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum



The name of Public Works might have gone away from the political stage but its function in assisting economical and social infrastructure still exist along with the development of the country's economy and society. Not only does This profile book explain The Ministry's tasks and responsibilities at present, but also describes its significance in carrying out its task building on public works infrastructures in this country. It also explains the works of some Indonesian people that makes our country achieve many rewards in construction works, food provisions, road constructions urban and rural housing construction and interior design. This book is also aimed to appreciate the people who have dedicated their works in building the country's infrastructure. Even though this book does not display every single public works in the country, I hope it will encourage us to give our best for the improvement of Indonesia and can be valuable as a source of knowledge.

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Judul Profile Ministry of Public Works
Penulis Ministry of Public Works
Penerbit Pusat Komunikasi Publik Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum
Tahun Terbit 2011
Lokasi Penerbitan Jakarta
Kode Pustaka PUSAT-2201
Kode Panggil 354.9 MIN P
Kode Klasifikasi 354.9
Bahasa English
Lokasi Simpan Perpustakaan PUPR
Kolasi 50 hlm.
Judul Seri
Subyek Profil Instansi, Profil Kementerian PUPR

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