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The Image of The City - Kevin Lynch

The Image of The City


Kevin Lynch


The MIT Press



This book is about the look of cities, and whether this look is of any importance, and whether it can be changed. The urban landscape, among its many roles, is also something to be seen, to be remembered, and to delight in. Giving visual form to rnthe city is a special kind of design problem, and a rather new one at that. rnrnIn the course of examining this new problem, the book looks at three American cities: Boston, Jersey City, and Los Angeles. It suggests a method whereby we might begin to deal with visual form at the urban scale, and offers some first principles of city design. rnrnThe work that lies behind this study was done under the direction of Professor Gyorgy Kepes and myself at the Center for Urban and Regional Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was generously supported over several years by funds from the Rockefeller Foundation. The book itself is being published as one of a series of volumes of the Joint Center for Urban Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University, an agency which has grown out of the urban research activities of these two institutions.

15 dikunjungi
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Judul The Image of The City
Penulis Kevin Lynch
Penerbit The MIT Press
Tahun Terbit 1960
Lokasi Penerbitan USA
ISBN 262120046
Kode Pustaka BPIW-232
Kode Panggil 711 LYN i
Kode Klasifikasi 711
Bahasa English
Lokasi Simpan Perpustakaan BPIW
Judul Seri
Subyek Urban design, city

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