Rincian Katalog

Synthetic Book of Ecodistrict Projects in Indonesia - Ecodistrict Commitee

Synthetic Book of Ecodistrict Projects in Indonesia


Ecodistrict Commitee


ADEME with Kementerian PUPR



The Eco-District program elaborates 8 attributes of green cities as an innovative method to improve urban quality of life and to create more added-value from infrastructure development. Through the Eco-District cooperation, we would like to assure that our cities become safer, more liveable, productive, efficient as well as sustainable. We believe that the future for Indonesian cities is now. The French-Indonesian cooperation carried out in 2015 by the Regional Infrastructure Development Agency (RIDA) is intended to assist 9 selected cities, namely Mataram, Bandung, Metro, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Singkawang, Jombang, Purbalingga, and Wonosobo. This booklet provides elements of activities of these cities. It highlights the proposed Eco-District projects in their respective urban areas.

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Judul Synthetic Book of Ecodistrict Projects in Indonesia
Penulis Ecodistrict Commitee
Penerbit ADEME with Kementerian PUPR
Tahun Terbit 2015
Lokasi Penerbitan Jakarta
Kode Pustaka BPIW-343
Kode Panggil 711 ECO s
Kode Klasifikasi 711
Bahasa Indonesia
Lokasi Simpan Perpustakaan BPIW
Kolasi 15 cm, 52 pages
Judul Seri
Subyek Perkotaan, ecodistrict

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