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Adapting Infrastructure to Climate Change: Advancing Decision-Making Under Conditions of Uncertainty (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research) - Schenk, Todd

Adapting Infrastructure to Climate Change: Advancing Decision-Making Under Conditions of Uncertainty (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)


Schenk, Todd





Many of the challenges that decision-makers grapple with in relation to climate change are governance related. Planning and decision-making is evolving in ambiguous institutional environments, in which many key issues remain unresolved, including relationships between different actors, funding arrangements, and the sources and procedures for vetting data. These issues are particularly acute at this juncture, as climate adaptation moves from broad planning processes to the management of infrastructure systems. Concrete decisions must be made. Adapting Infrastructure to Climate Change draws on case studies of three coastal cities situated within very different governance regimes: neo-corporatist Rotterdam, neo-pluralist Boston and semi-authoritarian Singapore. The book examines how infrastructure managers and other stakeholders grappling with complex and uncertain climate risks are likely to make project-level decisions in practice, and how more effective decision-making can be supported. The differences across governance regimes are currently unaccounted for in adaptation planning, but are crucial as best practices are devised. These lessons are also applicable to infrastructure planning and decision-making in other contexts. This book will be of great interest to scholars of climate change and environmental policy and governance, particularly in the context of infrastructure management.

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Judul Adapting Infrastructure to Climate Change: Advancing Decision-Making Under Conditions of Uncertainty (Routledge Advances in Climate Change Research)
Penulis Schenk, Todd
Penerbit Routledge
Tahun Terbit 2018
Lokasi Penerbitan
ISBN 9780367192976
Kode Pustaka BPIW-350
Kode Panggil 658.4036 SCH a
Kode Klasifikasi 658.4036
Bahasa Indonesia
Lokasi Simpan Perpustakaan BPIW
Kolasi x, 253 pages
Judul Seri
Subyek Climate Change, Pengambilan Keputusan, Perubahan iklim

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